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About Professor Massoud Amin


Massoud Amin, IEEE and ASME Fellow,, is a professor of electrical & computer engineering, and a University Distinguished Teaching Professor awardee at the Univ. of Minnesota.

Dr. Massoud Amin directed the Technological Leadership Institute, during Mar. 2003- Oct. 2018, where he pioneered several initiatives, including founding of 2 new graduate degree programs in Security Technologies (MSST, 2009), and Medical Device Innovation (MDI, 2014).

Previously, Professor  Massoud Amin was with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto. After 9/11, he directed all security-related R&D for U.S. utilities. In addition, Dr. Amin pioneered R&D in smart grids in 1998, led the development of 24 technologies that transferred to industry. He has led the deployment of smart grids, and the enhancement of critical infrastructures’ security during this period. He is considered the father of the smart grid (, and twice received the Chauncey Award, Institute’s highest honor.

He served as Chairman of the IEEE Smart Grid (Jan. 2014 - Aug. 2018), and, from June 2010 to Aug. 2017, was a member of the Texas Reliability Entity (as board chairman), a utility industry regional entity that oversees reliability of ERCOT. From Jan. 2013 to Aug. 2017, he also served as a board member of the Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO, which oversees the reliability of the MISO region). Previously, he served on the Board on Infrastructure & Constructed Environment (BICE) at the U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2001-07) and on the Board on Mathematical Sciences & Applications (BMSA) at the National Academy of Sciences (2006-09).

Massoud Amin’s professional contributions are primarily in 3 areas:

- Defense networks & logistics systems – Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence (C4I), IVHS & ITS (1982-1997),

- Modernization, efficiency, security & resilience of interdependent national critical infrastructures, including power, energy, communications, finance, and transportation (1997-present), and

- Technology/business/policy foresight & strategy (1997-present).

He holds B.S. (honors) & M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts, M.S. & D.Sc. degrees in systems science & mathematics from Washington University, St. Louis.

In summary, Massoud Amin has made transformative contributions in the areas of defense, critical infrastructures, technology, policy, and business. His passion is developing leaders and powering progress.

Articles by Massoud


Unintended Consequences of Technology - 24/7/365 instant global connectivity - is amazing yet... “Deliver your words not by numbers but by weight.”

By Massoud Amin

January 1, 2020


The Gift of Injustice: When truth is suppressed and justice denied.

By Massoud Amin

April 15, 2019


Remembering 9/11/2001

By Massoud Amin

September 11, 2018



Today is the day. Do not let your voice go unheard. Remember, you can register right on site at your polling place, even if you haven’t already. To…

Liked by Massoud Amin


Students, faculty, and staff - you have access to a free, saliva-based COVID-19 test through the University of Minnesota. You should have received…

Liked by Massoud Amin


Good afternoon from Minneapolis, a bright and majestic day (with high of 69 degrees), on this important #elections2020. Meditation at dawn this…

Shared by Massoud Amin

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Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of Minnesota

Mar 2003 – Present

17 years 9 months

Minneapolis, MN

Dr. Massoud Amin, IEEE and ASME Fellow, is a professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and University Distinguished Teaching Professor Awardee, at the University of Minnesota -

Dr. Amin is an expert in energy, smart grids, dynamical systems, control engineering, cyber-physical security, critical infrastructure protection, emerg’g/pivotal technologies, S&T policy/development, IP valuation/strategy, & teaches several courses.

His research…

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Director & Honeywell H.W. Sweatt Chair, Technological Leadership Institute (TLI)

Technological Leadership Institute, University of Minnesota

Mar 2003 - Oct 2018

15 years 8 months

Minneapolis, Minnesota

At TLI, he led 7 endowed chairs and 64 associated senior faculty from across ten colleges on the University of Minnesota, executives from industry, and governmental leaders, to develop local and global leaders for technology enterprises.

His responsibilities at TLI included direction and oversight of all academic, think-tank, financial and administrative elements of TLI’s educational, research, and consulting programs.

In addition, Dr. Amin led the Master of Science in…

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Chairman, IEEE Smart Grid


Jan 2014 - Aug 20184 years 8 months

- Jan. 2014 - Aug. 2018: Chairman of IEEE Smart Grid (elected 1 year at a time, renewable 3 times)

- Aug. 2010 - July 2014: Chairman & Founder of the IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter


Board of Directors, Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO)

Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO)

Jan 2013 - Aug 2017 years 8 months

St. Paul, Minnesota

Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring the reliability and security of the bulk power system in the north central region of North America, including parts of both the United States and Canada. MRO is one of eight regional entities in North America operating under authority from regulators in the United States and Canada through a delegation agreement with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC). The primary focus of MRO is…

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Board of Directors, Texas Reliability Entity (Texas RE)

Texas Reliability Entity (TexasRE), Inc.

Jun 2010 - Aug 20177 years 3 months

Austin, Texas

• Chairman, Board of Directors (12/2013-12/2015)
• Vice Chairman, Board of Directors (12/2012-12/2013)

Service on the Board of Directors Committees:
• Chairman, Audit and Governance Committee, Texas RE's Board of Directors (11/2011- 12/2012)
• Chair of the Nominating Committee, Texas RE's Board of Directors (12/2011- 11/2012)
• Vice Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee, Texas RE's Board of Directors (11/2011- 11/2012)

Texas Reliability Entity, Inc. (Texas RE…

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Area Manager of Infrastructure Security, Grid Operations/Planning, Markets, Risk & Policy Assessment

Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA

Jan 1998 - Feb 20035 years 2 months

Prior to joining the University of Minnesota in March 2003, Dr. Amin held positions of increased responsibility at EPRI. In the aftermath of tragic events of 9/11 he directed all security-related research and development at EPRI, including the Infrastructure Security Initiative (ISI) and the Enterprise Information Security (EIS). Prior to October 2001, he served as manager of mathematics and information science at EPRI, where he led strategic R&D in modeling, simulation, optimization, and…

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Associate Professor/Associate Director

Washington University in St. Louis

Aug 1985 - Dec 199712 years 5 months

During 1985-1989, he received his doctoral degree and served as a lecturer and research associate.

During 1989-1997, he held positions of assistant professor, Sr. Fellow, and then associate professor of systems science and mathematics and associate director of the Center for Optimization & Semantic Control.

During his twelve years at Washington University, he was one of the main contributors to several projects with United States Air Force, NASA-Ames, Rockwell International…

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·         Washington University in St. Louis

Washington University in St. Louis

Doctor of Science (D.Sc.)Systems Science and Mathematics

1985 - 1989

Activities and Societies: Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, a senior member of IEEE, AAAS, AIAA, ASME, NY Academy of Sciences, SIAM, and Informs. He also performed volunteer work in the Organization for the Aged in the St. Louis area (1988-94) and as an instructor in Washington University's Chinese Kenpo Club (1992-1997).

Dr. Amin received B.S. (cum laude) and M.S. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, M.S., and Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) degrees in systems science and mathematics from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri.

·         University of Massachusetts Amherst

University of Massachusetts Amherst

B.S. and M.S. degreesElectrical and Computer Engineering

1979 - 1985

Activities and Societies: Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, IEEE. Martial arts and member of the university-wide champion inter-mural soccer teams, 1983-85. Volunteer work: Tutored mathematics/science for disadvantaged children and students.


Storm King School, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY

High School DiplomaHonors classes in Calculus, History, Rhetoric/Literature, Physics,

1978 - 1979

Activities and Societies: History, Political and Current Affairs Club; Varsity Soccer, Wrestling, Basketball teams; National Key Honor Society; Cum Laude Society; Karate; Hiking and Repelling.

Volunteer Experience

·         Chairman, IEEE Smart Grid

Chairman, IEEE Smart Grid


Aug 2010 - Aug 20188 years 1 month

Science and Technology

--- Chairman, IEEE Smart Grid (January 2014- August 2018)
-- Founding Chairman, IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (August 2010‐July 2014)
-- Founding Chair, IEEE Control Systems Society's Technical Committee on Smart Grids, CSS TC-SG (June 2010- December 2014)
-- Associate Editor, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine (2006‐2016)
-- Founding member and Associate Editor, IEEE Security and Privacy magazine (2002‐ 2006)
-- Chair, IEEE Control Systems Society's Technical Committee on Power System…

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Board Member (2001-09)

National Reserach Council (NRC), the U.S. National Academies of Engineering and Science

Sep 2001 - Aug 20098 years

Science and Technology

-- Board on Infrastructure and Constructed Environment (BICE), U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2001- 07)

-- Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications (BMSA), U.S. National Academy of Sciences (2006-09)

·         President of the University of Minnesota Chapter

President of the University of Minnesota Chapter

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society

Jun 2011 - May 20132 years

Science and Technology

Sigma Xi ( is the global honor society of science and engineering. Founded in 1886, it is one of the oldest, largest interdisciplinary scientific organizations in the world. Its mission is to enhance the health of the research enterprise, foster integrity in science and engineering and promote the public’s understanding of science for the purpose of improving the human condition.

Today, Sigma Xi is a non-profit membership society of members whose research spans…

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International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT)

Jul 2012 - Jun 20131 year

Science and Technology

-- President of the Int'l Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT, July 2012‐June 2013)
-- Member of the Board of IAMOT (2009‐2015)
-- Vice President of Public Affairs (2010‐ 2012)
-- Member of the Management of Technology Accreditation Board (MOTAB), consisting of ten members (May 2010‐ present)



China Center Advisory Committee, University of Minnesota

May 2012 - Jul 20142 years 3 months


-- Member, China Center Advisory Committee, University of Minnesota (2006‐present); Executive Committee (2008‐2015); President Elect (2010‐2012); President (2012‐2014)


Founding Member of the Steering Committee

Center for Integrative Leadership, University of Minnesota

Sep 2006 - Present14 years 3 months




Academy of Distinguished Teachers, University of Minnesota

May 2008 - Present12 years 7 months


-- Member, Steering Committee (Oct. 2009‐August 2011)
-- Member, Selection Committee (2011-2014)
-- Chairman, Selection Committee (2012-2013)



Board of the Campus Club, University of Minnesota

Aug 2009 - Jul 20167 years

·         Trustee, member of the Board of Trustees

Trustee, member of the Board of Trustees

The Storm King School: New York's Highly Selective Boarding School Since 1867

Jun 2013 - Jun 20141 year 1 month




Organization for the Aged in the St. Louis area

Mar 1988 - Dec 19913 years 10 months

Social Services

·         Chief faculty advisor, MO Gamma Chapter, Washington University

Chief faculty advisor, MO Gamma Chapter, Washington University

The Tau Beta Pi Association, Inc.

Jan 1994 - Jan 19984 years 1 month


-- Faculty advisor (Jan.‐Apr. 1994) and chief faculty advisor (Apr. 1994‐Jan. 1998) to the Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society, Missouri Gamma Chapter, School of Eng'g & Applied Science, Washington University, St. Louis, MO


Volunteer instructor

Washington University's Chinese Kenpo Club

Jan 1992 - Dec 19965 years


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